Hi! I am Adnan Ali
A Web Developer

Welcome to my portfolio website! I am a skilled web developer with a specialization in frontend web development using technologies like HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. I have successfully created several projects that highlight my expertise in these technologies. My last project was a blog website that I designed and developed myself using Python and Django in the backend. This project allowed me to showcase my skills in building dynamic web applications. I also possess extensive experience in Python and Django, as well as working knowledge in UI/UX design. Thank you for visiting my portfolio, and I look forward to discussing potential projects with you

About me

As a web developer, I have developed my skills and expertise in frontend web development using technologies like HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. I also have extensive experience in Python and Django, which allows me to build robust and dynamic web applications. My knowledge of UI/UX design helps me to create visually appealing and user-friendly websites. I understand the importance of creating a website that meets the needs of the client and the end-users. With my expertise, I can help potential clients to create a website that is visually appealing, user-friendly, and responsive. In addition to my experience, I have also obtained several certifications and qualifications that attest to my expertise in web development

My work

Here are some of the projects that I have built during my development journey which helped to strengthen my concepts


A fullstack blog website made with django in the backend

Revisor io

Syllabus revision tracker for helping students in their study


30 seconds random quote generator for whatsapp status


A simple calculator app made with HTML, CSS and JavaScript

Contact Me

Hey there! Want a website let's talk about it.